Family Offices-Looking To Invest?

Family Offices-Looking To Invest?2018-07-30T18:08:26+00:00

Wealthy family offices and endowments invest 5-15% of their portfolio into Venture Capital – What’s keeping you from doing the same?

AngelFire Capital Management is looking for Family Offices that are seeking diversity with access to deal flow outside their regional or sector specific focus. Intending on getting an early seat at the table of qualified high rate, early stage companies that they otherwise might not have known about or had access to as a result of the sheer groundwork involved.

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Together with our partners we continually identify, evaluate and vet new companies coming into our pipeline for early stage opportunities. We are nationally focused with a distinct advantage in the northeast region. Leveraging pipelines from leading funds and groups lets you get a diversified portfolio of highly sought-after companies. We do the investing early, giving you a seat at the table without you having to make the complete investment up front.

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Existing options are poor – big venture firms and funds are chasing unicorns.

AngelFire investors have realized higher returns on average, in a sector which is typically outside of a family office’s focus area, but one they know they have some money invested in.

• Angels average a 27% IRR [Internal rate of return] • VC funds average a 20%IRR

Small (sub $50,000,000) family offices have a lot to do; usually with only some specific focus or expertise based on the business of the family members involved or the small staff brought in to manage it. There is only so much staff you can reasonably scale, except at the junior level.

Early stage companies can be a great complement toward family office diversification, but it’s a volume game. It is hard work to be a venture capitalist, and even harder to be a successful one. Your team has to work through thousands of applications and pitch decks in order to meet with a hundred companies to get down to six to twelve worthy of deeper diligence, and then you invest in one or two. The cycle then repeats again. This doesn’t even include the time to focus on the individual company needs once invested.
AngelFire’s experienced management team takes the heavy lifting off of your team and puts it on ours. We are a small fund and as such, are not driven by the need for volume in the quest for unicorns, making us a better fit.

Family Offices benefit from our expertise that spans many different industries. Experience has shown that we are on trend, choosing the right businesses to invest in and be involved with. An investment in our vetted diverse portfolio of companies and industries helps reduce your risk and increase your chances of success.

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